






Flonita is an online shop that has been set up by experienced professors of Chemistries, Food Sciences, and Environmental Health Engineers to fulfill the heightened worldwide demand for all types of quality saffron (Mancha, Pushali, Sargol, Negin, and Super Negin, etc.). Our products are picked up thoughtfully from monitored farms and a trusted network of farmers. We present many quality Saffron products in retail and bulk types of packages. Flonita collaborates with several reputable, internationally equipped chemical and microbiological laboratories and researchers to perform serious quality analyses to monitor the planting stage up to the consumption level to meet strict standards. We believe all products should be backed up by reliable quality analysis documentation in this modern age. Another mission of our team is to honestly serve the Saffron buyers step by step in our way. In our shopping platform, you can order custom packaging and labeling for your store. According to FAO, Iran produces more than 90% of the worldwide Saffron. So keep cool and stay in touch for affordable quality saffron prices without exaggeration in the world's saffron homes. Our vocation is to protect your confidence by providing a guaranteed Saffron shopping platform.

Discover all we present at the Flonita online shop (find the links at the market section).

  • - Compare the Saffron prices and qualities according to their analysis documentation.
  • - Leave an order/ pre-order to buy analyzed Saffron products or others.
  • - Become a Saffron shopper and communicate with customers around the world quickly.
  • - Book a Saffron tour and purchase quality Saffron by your hands directly.
  • - Leave an order to barter quality Saffron with other agricultural products.
  • - Become a Saffron and herbal medicine blogger and publish your research for free.
  • - Be a researcher or investor corporator in the Saffron domain.
  • - Find valuable and premium Organic Saffron products.
  • - Customize your favorite packaging and shipping way.
  • - Find special discounts and free shipping for some quality Saffron selling packages.
  • - Ask for a quality control analysis to buy saffron from another way or shop.
  • - Define and execute specific eco-friendly planting methods and harvesting processing protocols in Saffron farmland.

More About Us




Saf­fron Con­sum­ing Side Ef­fects and Safe Saf­fron Dosage

Saf­fron adds a lovely col­or to your food. It could add a sig­ni­fic­ant boost to your health as well. Saf­fron has wide­spre…

by Hamed Biglari Dec 27, 2023

Mak­ing the le­gendary Cornish Saf­fron Cake

The mak­ing of the le­gendary Saf­fron Cake is said to date back to the days when Phoen­i­cian traders ex­changed spices and …

by Hamed Biglari Oct 09, 2023

The nu­tri­tion­al facts of Saf­fron: Red saf­fron stig­mas con­si…

Saf­fron is a highly nu­tri­tious su­per­food rich in es­sen­tial vit­am­ins, min­er­als, and an­ti­ox­id­ants, of­fer­ing nu­mer­ous heal…

by Hamed Biglari Sep 09, 2023

Saf­fron for rap­id treat­ment of de­pres­sion and anxi­ety

Over dec­ades, stud­ies have con­tin­ued to light­en the po­ten­tial use of Saf­fron, a mys­ter­i­ous spice, for treat­ing de­pressi…

by Hamed Biglari Jan 04, 2024

Saf­fron from dif­fer­ent re­gions and their an­ti­c­an­cer po­tenti…

After ex­tens­ive re­search across mul­tiple areas of Ir­an, it has been found that saf­fron's po­tent anti-can­cer prop­er­ties …

by Hamed Biglari Jul 16, 2023

Why Saf­fron Is the World’s Pri­ci­est Spice

Saf­fron is a lux­ury spice in the world, re­served for spe­cial oc­ca­sions and guests. Nowadays, it costs more than €20,000…

by Hamed Biglari Feb 25, 2024
Mrs. Khamooshi. M

I'm Mrs. Khamooshi, one of the copywriters employed at Flonita Company. My writings include medicinal herbs and spices usage, delicious recipes, and customized cooking, among others. I am always on the hunt for natural, edible flavoring and oil-free, delectable, savory dishes. You'll enjoy cooking a lot more once you've mastered the herb and spice basics.


Mrs. Khamooshi. M Flonita Company